Renata Speaks
I’m Renata. I was rescued as a tiny tot from underneath a mobile home by The Lady, who I call Mommy. She and The Man take good care of me. It’s been said I’m a Silver Maine Coon, but there is no proof. I’m very small for my breed if that’s the case.
If there is an available lap, I’m on it. Sometimes even if there is no lap, I have an
unblinking stare that wins my Humans over every time. I don’t meow, I churl. It’s a combination of
a twirl, purr, chirp. And when I am happy, I churl and drool.
Although I’m very classy and elegant I’m not very social,
just call me aloof. If we have company,
my favorite place is under the bed. I
feel almost the same about the vacuum cleaner because anytime that thing comes
out, you won’t see me until the noise is gone for several hours at least. It’s
always at the most inconvenient time too!
The only people in the world to pet me are my
Humans. Believe me, you have to be
somebody I really trust for me to even come out from my hiding place. If you are someone I am familiar with, I’ll watch you a lot from afar never ever
letting you near. You should consider this a privilege.
There are many things I like to do when I’m not staring
down my humans for some cuddle time. There are windows looking out to flying treats (birds & squirrels).
I spend a lot of time coaxing them to come inside with me.
I love the bathroom even though the door is always closed
because I like to chew on the plants that Mommy thinks she's keeping from me. Anytime my Humans go back there, I
run ahead of them checking behind me frequently to make sure they are following
me. Then, I go in and try to distract them
so I can get at the plants.
Sometimes they forget to shut the door and it’s like a magnet! I can’t help it. Mommy grows fresh cat nip but the nice houseplants are a substitute for those in between times.
Sometimes they forget to shut the door and it’s like a magnet! I can’t help it. Mommy grows fresh cat nip but the nice houseplants are a substitute for those in between times.
My Humans have many nicknames for me. Here are a few in no particular order.
Swishy Butt
Tater Tot
Poofy Britches
Stink Bug
Velcro Cling On
Baby Bug
Lady Bug
Frank calls me The Grey Fluffball among other names
depending on her mood which I can tell you right now is rarely anything other
than grouchy. She is, after all, a PILL.
You’ll get to know more about me because you follow my
blog. Don’t be fooled by The Pill, she
thinks she’s in charge, but I was here first.
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